
Khamis, 31 Mac 2011


What is age-related macular degeneration?

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease associated with aging that gradually destroys sharp, central vision. Central vision is needed for seeing objects clearly and for common daily tasks such as reading and driving.
AMD affects the macula, the part of the eye that allows you to see fine detail. AMD causes no pain.
In some cases, AMD advances so slowly that people notice little change in their vision. In others, the disease progresses faster and may lead to a loss of vision in both eyes. AMD is a leading cause of vision loss in Americans 60 years of age and older.
AMD occurs in two forms: wet and dry.

Where is the macula?

The macula is located in the center of the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. The retina instantly converts light, or an image, into electrical impulses. The retina then sends these impulses, or nerve signals, to the brain.
Cross section of an eye

What is wet AMD?

Wet AMD occurs when abnormal blood vessels behind the retina start to grow under the macula. These new blood vessels tend to be very fragile and often leak blood and fluid. The blood and fluid raise the macula from its normal place at the back of the eye. Damage to the macula occurs rapidly.
With wet AMD, loss of central vision can occur quickly. Wet AMD is also known as advanced AMD. It does not have stages like dry AMD.
An early symptom of wet AMD is that straight lines appear wavy. If you notice this condition or other changes to your vision, contact your eye care professional at once. You need a comprehensive dilated eye exam.

What is dry AMD?

Dry AMD occurs when the light-sensitive cells in the macula slowly break down, gradually blurring central vision in the affected eye. As dry AMD gets worse, you may see a blurred spot in the center of your vision. Over time, as less of the macula functions, central vision is gradually lost in the affected eye.
The most common symptom of dry AMD is slightly blurred vision. You may have difficulty recognizing faces. You may need more light for reading and other tasks. Dry AMD generally affects both eyes, but vision can be lost in one eye while the other eye seems unaffected.
One of the most common early signs of dry AMD is drusen.

What are drusen?

Drusen are yellow deposits under the retina. They often are found in people over age 60. Your eye care professional can detect drusen during a comprehensive dilated eye exam.
Drusen alone do not usually cause vision loss. In fact, scientists are unclear about the connection between drusen and AMD. They do know that an increase in the size or number of drusen raises a person's risk of developing either advanced dry AMD or wet AMD. These changes can cause serious vision loss.
Dry AMD has three stages, all of which may occur in one or both eyes:
  1. Early AMD. People with early AMD have either several small drusen or a few medium-sized drusen. At this stage, there are no symptoms and no vision loss.
  2. Intermediate AMD. People with intermediate AMD have either many medium-sized drusen or one or more large drusen. Some people see a blurred spot in the center of their vision. More light may be needed for reading and other tasks.
  3. Advanced Dry AMD. In addition to drusen, people with advanced dry AMD have a breakdown of light-sensitive cells and supporting tissue in the central retinal area. This breakdown can cause a blurred spot in the center of your vision. Over time, the blurred spot may get bigger and darker, taking more of your central vision. You may have difficulty reading or recognizing faces until they are very close to you.
Normal vision and the same scene as viewed by a person with age-related macular degeneration.
Normal vision
Normal vision

The same scene as viewed by a person with age-related macular degeneration
The same scene as viewed by a person with age-related macular degeneration
If you have vision loss from dry AMD in one eye only, you may not notice any changes in your overall vision. With the other eye seeing clearly, you still can drive, read, and see fine details. You may notice changes in your vision only if AMD affects both eyes. If blurriness occurs in your vision, see an eye care professional for a comprehensive dilated eye exam.
Ninety percent of all people with AMD have this type. Scientists are still not sure what causes dry AMD.

Frequently Asked Questions about wet and dry AMD

Which is more common-the dry form or the wet form?

The dry form is much more common. More than 85 percent of all people with intermediate and advanced AMD combined have the dry form.
However, if only advanced AMD is considered, about two-thirds of patients have the wet form. Because almost all vision loss comes from advanced AMD, the wet form leads to significantly more vision loss than the dry form.

Can the dry form turn into the wet form?

Yes. All people who have the wet form had the dry form first.
The dry form can advance and cause vision loss without turning into the wet form. The dry form also can suddenly turn into the wet form, even during early stage AMD. There is no way to tell if or when the dry form will turn into the wet form.

The dry form has early and intermediate stages. Does the wet form have similar stages?

No. The wet form is considered advanced AMD.

Can advanced AMD be either the dry form or the wet form?

Yes. Both the wet form and the advanced dry form are considered advanced AMD. Vision loss occurs with either form. In most cases, only advanced AMD can cause vision loss.
People who have advanced AMD in one eye are at especially high risk of developing advanced AMD in the other eye.
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Causes and Risk Factors

Who is at risk for AMD?

The greatest risk factor is age. Although AMD may occur during middle age, studies show that people over age 60 are clearly at greater risk than other age groups. For instance, a large study found that people in middle-age have about a 2 percent risk of getting AMD, but this risk increased to nearly 30 percent in those over age 75.
Other risk factors include:
  • Smoking. Smoking may increase the risk of AMD.
  • Obesity. Research studies suggest a link between obesity and the progression of early and intermediate stage AMD to advanced AMD.
  • Race. Whites are much more likely to lose vision from AMD than African Americans.
  • Family history. Those with immediate family members who have AMD are at a higher risk of developing the disease.
  • Gender. Women appear to be at greater risk than men.

Can my lifestyle make a difference?

Your lifestyle can play a role in reducing your risk of developing AMD.
  • Eat a healthy diet high in green leafy vegetables and fish.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Maintain normal blood pressure.
  • Watch your weight.
  • Exercise.
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Symptoms and Detection

What are the symptoms?

Both dry and wet AMD cause no pain.
For dry AMD: the most common early sign is blurred vision. As fewer cells in the macula are able to function, people will see details less clearly in front of them, such as faces or words in a book. Often this blurred vision will go away in brighter light. If the loss of these light-sensing cells becomes great, people may see a small--but growing--blind spot in the middle of their field of vision.
For wet AMD: the classic early symptom is that straight lines appear crooked. This results when fluid from the leaking blood vessels gathers and lifts the macula, distorting vision. A small blind spot may also appear in wet AMD, resulting in loss of one's central vision.

How is AMD detected?

Your eye care professional may suspect AMD if you are over age 60 and have had recent changes in your central vision. To look for signs of the disease, he or she will use eye drops to dilate, or enlarge, your pupils. Dilating the pupils allows your eye care professional to view the back of the eye better.
AMD is detected during a comprehensive eye exam that includes:
  1. Visual acuity test. This eye chart test measures how well you see at various distances.
  2. Dilated eye exam. Drops are placed in your eyes to widen, or dilate, the pupils. Your eye care professional uses a special magnifying lens to examine your retina and optic nerve for signs of AMD and other eye problems. After the exam, your close-up vision may remain blurred for several hours.
  3. Tonometry. An instrument measures the pressure inside the eye. Numbing drops may be applied to your eye for this test.
Your eye care professional also may do other tests to learn more about the structure and health of your eye.
During an eye exam, you may be asked to look at an Amsler grid. The pattern of the grid resembles a checkerboard. You will cover one eye and stare at a black dot in the center of the grid. While staring at the dot, you may notice that the straight lines in the pattern appear wavy. You may notice that some of the lines are missing. These may be signs of AMD.
Do NOT depend on the grid displayed below for any diagnoses-check with your eye care professional.
Amsler grid
Amsler Grid
If your eye care professional believes you need treatment for wet AMD, he or she may suggest a fluorescein angiogram. In this test, a special dye is injected into your arm. Pictures are taken as the dye passes through the blood vessels in your retina. The test allows your eye care professional to identify any leaking blood vessels and recommend treatment.
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How is wet AMD treated?

Wet AMD can be treated with laser surgery, photodynamic therapy, and injections into the eye. None of these treatments is a cure for wet AMD. The disease and loss of vision may progress despite treatment.
  1. Laser surgery. This procedure uses a laser to destroy the fragile, leaky blood vessels. A high energy beam of light is aimed directly onto the new blood vessels and destroys them, preventing further loss of vision. However, laser treatment may also destroy some surrounding healthy tissue and some vision. Only a small percentage of people with wet AMD can be treated with laser surgery. Laser surgery is more effective if the leaky blood vessels have developed away from the fovea, the central part of the macula. (See illustration at the beginning of this document.) Laser surgery is performed in a doctor's office or eye clinic.

    The risk of new blood vessels developing after laser treatment is high. Repeated treatments may be necessary. In some cases, vision loss may progress despite repeated treatments.
  2. Photodynamic therapy. A drug called verteporfin is injected into your arm. It travels throughout the body, including the new blood vessels in your eye. The drug tends to "stick" to the surface of new blood vessels. Next, a light is shined into your eye for about 90 seconds. The light activates the drug. The activated drug destroys the new blood vessels and leads to a slower rate of vision decline. Unlike laser surgery, this drug does not destroy surrounding healthy tissue. Because the drug is activated by light, you must avoid exposing your skin or eyes to direct sunlight or bright indoor light for five days after treatment.

    Photodynamic therapy is relatively painless. It takes about 20 minutes and can be performed in a doctor's office.

    Photodynamic therapy slows the rate of vision loss. It does not stop vision loss or restore vision in eyes already damaged by advanced AMD. Treatment results often are temporary. You may need to be treated again.
  3. Injections. Wet AMD can now be treated with new drugs that are injected into the eye (anti-VEGF therapy). Abnormally high levels of a specific growth factor occur in eyes with wet AMD and promote the growth of abnormal new blood vessels. This drug treatment blocks the effects of the growth factor.

    You will need multiple injections that may be given as often as monthly. The eye is numbed before each injection. After the injection, you will remain in the doctor's office for a while and your eye will be monitored. This drug treatment can help slow down vision loss from AMD and in some cases improve sight.

How is dry AMD treated?

Once dry AMD reaches the advanced stage, no form of treatment can prevent vision loss. However, treatment can delay and possibly prevent intermediate AMD from progressing to the advanced stage, in which vision loss occurs.
The National Eye Institute's Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) found that taking a specific high-dose formulation of antioxidants and zinc significantly reduces the risk of advanced AMD and its associated vision loss. Slowing AMD's progression from the intermediate stage to the advanced stage will save the vision of many people.

Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS)

What is the dosage of the AREDS formulation?
The specific daily amounts of antioxidants and zinc used by the study researchers were 500 milligrams of vitamin C, 400 International Units of vitamin E, 15 milligrams of beta-carotene (often labeled as equivalent to 25,000 International Units of vitamin A), 80 milligrams of zinc as zinc oxide, and two milligrams of copper as cupric oxide. Copper was added to the AREDS formulation containing zinc to prevent copper deficiency anemia, a condition associated with high levels of zinc intake.
Who should take the AREDS formulation?
People who are at high risk for developing advanced AMD should consider taking the formulation. You are at high risk for developing advanced AMD if you have either:
1. Intermediate AMD in one or both eyes.
2. Advanced AMD (dry or wet) in one eye but not the other eye.
Your eye care professional can tell you if you have AMD, its stage, and your risk for developing the advanced form.
The AREDS formulation is not a cure for AMD. It will not restore vision already lost from the disease. However, it may delay the onset of advanced AMD. It may help people who are at high risk for developing advanced AMD keep their vision.
Can people with early stage AMD take the AREDS formulation to help prevent the disease from progressing to the intermediate stage?
There is no apparent need for those diagnosed with early stage AMD to take the AREDS formulation. The study did not find that the formulation provided a benefit to those with early stage AMD. If you have early stage AMD, a comprehensive dilated eye exam every year can help determine if the disease is progressing. If early stage AMD progresses to the intermediate stage, discuss taking the formulation with your doctor.
Can diet alone provide the same high levels of antioxidants and zinc as the AREDS formulation?
No. The high levels of vitamins and minerals are difficult to achieve from diet alone. However, previous studies have suggested that people who have diets rich in green leafy vegetables have a lower risk of developing AMD.
Can a daily multivitamin alone provide the same high levels of antioxidants and zinc as the AREDS formulation?
No. The formulation's levels of antioxidants and zinc are considerably higher than the amounts in any daily multivitamin.
If you are already taking daily multivitamins and your doctor suggests you take the high-dose AREDS formulation, be sure to review all your vitamin supplements with your doctor before you begin. Because multivitamins contain many important vitamins not found in the AREDS formulation, you may want to take a multivitamin along with the AREDS formulation. For example, people with osteoporosis need to be particularly concerned about taking vitamin D, which is not in the AREDS formulation.

How can I take care of my vision now that I have AMD?

Dry AMD. If you have dry AMD, you should have a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year. Your eye care professional can monitor your condition and check for other eye diseases. Also, if you have intermediate AMD in one or both eyes, or advanced AMD in one eye only, your doctor may suggest that you take the AREDS formulation containing the high levels of antioxidants and zinc.
Because dry AMD can turn into wet AMD at any time, you should get an Amsler grid from your eye care professional. Use the grid every day to evaluate your vision for signs of wet AMD. This quick test works best for people who still have good central vision. Check each eye separately. Cover one eye and look at the grid. Then cover your other eye and look at the grid. If you detect any changes in the appearance of this grid or in your everyday vision while reading the newspaper or watching television, get a comprehensive dilated eye exam.
Wet AMD. If you have wet AMD and your doctor advises treatment, do not wait. After laser surgery or photodynamic therapy, you will need frequent eye exams to detect any recurrence of leaking blood vessels. Studies show that people who smoke have a greater risk of recurrence than those who don't. In addition, check your vision at home with the Amsler grid. If you detect any changes, schedule an eye exam immediately.

What can I do if I have already lost some vision from AMD?

If you have lost some sight from AMD, don't be afraid to use your eyes for reading, watching TV, and other routine activities. Normal use of your eyes will not cause further damage to your vision.
If you have lost some sight from AMD, ask your eye care professional about low vision services and devices that may help you make the most of your remaining vision. Ask for a referral to a specialist in low vision. Many community organizations and agencies offer information about low vision counseling, training, and other special services for people with visual impairments. A nearby school of medicine or optometry may provide low vision services.



Hidup ini penuh dengan ujian. Memang perit dan pedih untuk menghadapinya. Tapi kita kena faham konsep "ujian" di dalam perspektif Islam. Kerana sekiranya kita tidak faham dengan jelas, kita akan cepat putus asa, kecewa dan lebih membahayakan apabila kita buruk sangka terhadap Allah SWT. Jadi, bagaimana ingin memujuk hati yang sedang berduka lara itu???
Pujuklah dengan berzikir dan mengingati Allah....dan bacalah Al Quran... sesungguhnya, banyaklah sudah isi-isi yang tersingkap di dalamnya...... segala jawapan ada di dalamnya....

Kenapa aku diuji?
Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan; "Kami telah beriman," sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta."
-Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3

Kenapa aku tak dapat apa yang aku idam-idamkan?
Boleh jadi mau membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216

Kenapa ujian seberat ini?
Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286

Rasa Frust?
Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman.
- Surah Al-Imran ayat 139

Bagaimana aku harus menghadapinya?
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya, kamu berjaya mencapai kemenangan).
- Surah Al-Imran ayat 200
"Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk".
- Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45

Apa yang aku dapat daripada semua ini?
Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mukmin, diri, harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga untuk mereka....
-Surah At-Taubah ayat 111

Kepada siapa aku berharap?
Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain dariNya.
Hanya kepadaNya aku bertawakkal. dicuri dari
-Surah At-Taubah ayat 129

Aku dah tak tahan lagi !
......dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yang kafir.
- Surah Yusuf ayat 12

Rabu, 30 Mac 2011

Cupcake Coklat Moist


1 1/4 Cawan tepung gandum,
1       Cawan Serbuk koko
1       Cawan gula
1       Cawan susu segar
1       Cawan Susu pekat manis
1       Cawan Minyak masak
3       Biji telur
1       Camca teh essen vanila
1       Camca teh baking powder
1       Camca teh soda bikarbonat

Cara membuatnya

Satukan susu segar, susu pekat manis, gula, minyak dan panaskan hingga larut. Sejukkan masukkan telur dan tepung berganti-ganti.
Masukkan dalam cup dan masak dalam oven yang dipanaskan pada suhu 180c selama 20 minit.

Selasa, 29 Mac 2011


2      Cawan tepung naik sendiri,
2/3   Cawan gula,
2/3   Cawan susu penuh krim,
1/2   Cawan minyak masak,
1      Biji telur
1      Camca teh essen vanilla
Sebarang perasa.. Kopi ke, coklat ke... sukahati

Cara Membuatnya
Masukkan gula, susu, minyak dan telur dalam satu bekas. Kacau dan masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit.
Siap.. masukkan dalam cup muffin dan bakar pada suhu 170 c selama 20 minit.
Siap untuk dihidangkan dan dimakan


Kadangkala hati kita ini berpenyakit tetapi kita langsung tak menyedarinya. Sakit yang dimaksudkan bukanlah sepertimana sakitnya ketika tahap kelajuan perkhidmatan jalur lebar yang kita gunakan tidak seperti yang dijanjikan ataupun sakitnya hati ketikamana pada hujung-hujung tahun begini syarikat kita bekerja tidak memberikan bonus. Sakit disini adalah berkenaan dengan rohani yang mana membenihkan perbuatan-perbuatan mazmuhah pada diri seseorang .Antara tanda-tanda yang menunjukkan bahawa hati kita sekarang ini berpenyakit ialah apabila beberapa sikap ini ada pada kita :
  • Buruk Sangka
  • Sombong
  • Mudah Marah
  • Riya’
  • Hasad Dengki
  • Munafik
  • Mengumpat
  • Bakhil
  • Berat untuk melakukan ibadah
Bila berbicara tentang permasalahan hati, tentu kita takkan lupa sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:
“Sesungguhnya di dalam diri manusia itu ada seketul daging. Jika daging itu baik, maka baiklah seluruh anggota badannya tetapi seandainya daging itu rosak dan kotor, maka kotor dan rosaklah seluruh anggota badannya. Ketahuilah daging tersebut ialah hati”
Hadis direkodkan Bukhari dan Muslim daripada Nu’man bin Basyir.
Jika H1N1 merebak melalui virus maka hati-hati yang sakit juga disebabkan oleh virus-virus tersendiri. Antara virus yang dikenalpasti menjadi racun kepada hati ialah apabila kita berlebih-lebihan dalam pergaulan dimana kita melampaui batas sewaktu menutur kata sehingga tak berupaya mengawal lidah dari mengumpat, mengeji, memfitnah dan sebagainya.
Gagal mengawal pancaindera dari melihat perkara-perkara yang haram juga merupakan racun yang melumpuhkan hati. Begitu juga dengan kegagalan mengawal kehendak perut sehingga kita selalu berada di dalam keadaan kekenyangan. Cuba koreksi diri kita sekarang. Apakah virus-virus yang disebutkan ini telah menular dalam diri kita?
Jika ada , sebaiknya kita rawat secepat mungkin sebelum menjadi lebih parah. Disini ada sedikit tips dari Ustazah Cakar Harimau, Dato’ Siti Norbahyah Mahmood yang dipetik dari majalah Solusi (#8). Antara yang dianjurkan ialah :
Sentiasa Berbaik Sangka
Antara langkah berbaik sangka seperti hadapi kawan atau musuh dengan wajah yang tenang, gembira, sopan rela hati dan elakkan menyombong dan meninggi diri.
Buang Segala Sikap Hasad Dengki
Hapuskan sikap hasad dengki terhadap insan lain. Hidup tidak akan tenang selagi sikap mazmumah tersebut tertanam di dasar hati. Lihatlah orang yang sentiasa hasad dengki terhadap orang lain, akan menyebabkan orang itu sentiasa mencari jalan melakukan kejahatan kepada orang lain. Mereka suka mengumpat dan menjadi batu api.
Senyumlah agar dunia turut tersenyum kepada kamu. Namun, perlu diingat senyum itu memang sedekah tetapi janganlah disalahgunakan untuk memancing maksiat pula. Selain itu senyum juga meransang wajah sentiasa awet muda. Jadi, senyumlah selalu!
Gemar Menghadiri Majlis Ilmu
Orang yang gemar menghadiri majlis ilmu akan dirahmati Allah swt dan hidupnya sentiasa dinaungi para malaikat. Majlis ilmu seperti majlis zikrullah, majlis tilawah al-Quran, ceramah agama, multaqa’ ulama dan sebagainya.
Hiasi Diri Dengan Sikap Ikhlas
Ikhlas dalam mengerjakan ibadah dan kebajikan hanya kerana Allah swt serta mengharapkan keredaan-Nya. Jauhi dari mendambakan pujian atau kemasyhuran manusia. Niat yang benar menentukan keikhlasan kita.
Seorang ulama, Ibrahim Al-Khawas RA juga ada memberikan nasihat berkenaan kaedah untuk ubat hati: Nasihatnya berbunyi:
“ Sesungguhnya ubat hati itu ada lima perkara, maka ubatilah hati kamu dengan lima perkara tersebut. Pertamanya, bacalah Al-Quran dengan menghayati isi kandunganya. Kedua, mengosongkan perut dari terlalu kenyang atau berpuasa. Ketiga, bangun ( beribadat ) di waktu malam. Keempat, menghampirkan diri kepada Allah ( beribadat ) disepertiga malam dan yang kelimanya, sentiasa bersama-sama di dalam majlis orang-orang yang soleh ”.




Kadang-kadang orang kita silap persepsi dengan menyangka bahawa budaya romantik itu datang dari Barat. Mereka menyangka Islam menganjurkan sikap tegas dalam hubungan lelaki-perempuan, hatta di kalangan suami isteri. Sangkaan begini terbukti silap.
Sebenarnya orang kita masih lagi terbelenggu dengan amalan kebanyakan masyarakat rumpun Melayu yang kadang-kadang malu tak bertempat dan tegas tak kena gaya. Hasilnya mereka tumpul budaya romantis dan kering dalam bercinta.  Yang lebih ganjil lagi, ketika di luar ikatan perkahwinan, mereka bukan main romantik, tetapi bila sudah bernikah, mereka bersikap dingin dan hanya tahu romantik ketika di atas katil.
Sikap ini berbeza dengan sifat romantis Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam yang sentiasa bergaul dengan isteri dengan penuh mesra dan ceria. Kedudukan Baginda yang begitu tinggi di sisi Allah dan masyarakat tidak menghalang Baginda untuk bersama dengan isteri dengan penuh rasa cinta dan kasih.
Hal ini dapat dilihat daripada hadis riwayat Aisyah yang berkata;
لَقَدْ كَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَضَعُ رَأْسَهُ فِي حِجْرِي وَأَنَا حَائِضٌ وَيَقْرَأُ الْقُرْآنَ
”Sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW sering meletakkan kepalanya di ribaku, sedangkan ketika itu aku sedang berhaid, dan Baginda pula membaca Al-Quran” (Sunan Ibni Majah : 626)

Tidak dinafikan, perasaan cinta antara suami isteri itu kadangkala menebal, dan kadangkala menipis, lebih-lebih lagi dikala isteri dalam keadaan tidak suci ekoran haid dan nifas. Oleh itu, bagi hendak menghangatkan perasaan cinta antara suami isteri, perlu mempunyai daya kreatif masing-masing dalam melahirkan perasaan cinta bergelora.
Dengan hadis ini, Nabi SAW seakan-akan mengajar kepada kita tentang antara tindakan yang perlu dilakukan bagi menghangatkan balik perasaan cinta itu.
Justeru itu, sebagai suami, tidak seharusnya merasa malu untuk meletakkan kepala mereka di riba isterinya. Begitu juga, pihak isteri pula tidak selayaknya merasa janggal dengan tindakan suaminya itu sehingga menganggap tindakan sebegitu seperti tindakan anak dengan ibunya yang mahu bermanja.
Sesungguhnya bermanja antara suami isteri merupakan ibadat disisi Allah, yang melahirkan banyak kelebihan dari sudut keuntungan dunia, mahupun keuntungan di akhirat.
Keuntungan di akhirat adalah dengan balasan pahala, dan keuntungan di dunia adalah dengan kemesraan dan kebahagiaan yang wujud dalam kehidupan berumah tangga.

Dari hadis ini juga, kita akan dapat melihat betapa Islam adalah agama yang cukup memuliakan kaum perempuan berbanding apa yang telah dilakukan oleh orang-orang jahiliyyah terdahulu.

Orang-orang jahiliyyah terdahulu, memandang perempuan yang berhaid sebagai jijik sehingga mereka meletakkan undang-undang adat mereka yang meletakkan perempuan seperti barang buangan dan barang terpakai.
Apabila datang Nabi SAW, baginda menyeru manusia kepada Islam yang memandang mulia kepada kaum perempuan, walaupun mereka secara fitrah mempunyai masalah bulanan, iaitu Haid dan Nifas.
Kemuliaan ini dibuktikan dengan tindakan Nabi SAW yang bermesra dengan isterinya yang sedang berhaid, dengan meletakkan kepala baginda di riba isterinya yang sudah pasti haid itu berada dikemaluan yang berhampiran dengan riba tersebut. Ini ditambahi lagi dengan tindakan nabi SAW membaca Al-Quran di kala kepala baginda SAW berada di riba Isterinya.
Ekoran dari itulah, Imam An-Nawawi (Aun Al-Ma’bud : 1/305.) menyatakan bahawa hadis ini menjadi dalil kukuh bahawa tidak dilarang membaca Al-Quran dalam keadaan berbaring dan bersandar pada orang perempuan yang sedang berhaid, malahan ianya juga menjadi dalil bahawa tidak menjadi kesalahan membaca Al-Quran berhampiran dengan najis. 

Artikel ini diolah dari tulisan Al-Fadhil Ustaz Wan Ji Al Bakistani. Beliau adalah ulama muda yang gigih berdakwah melalui lisan dan tulisan. Tulisan-tulisan beliau boleh dicapai melalui blognya di http://g-82.blogspot.com/  - Abi Muslih


Rasulullah sollallahu `alaihi wasallam telah berpesan kepada kita betapa mustajab doa seorang ibu untuk anaknya. Dalam Sahih Muslim, baginga kisah seorang lelaki, Juraij, yang begitu kuat beribadah kepada Allah. Hari-harinya diisi dengan solat sunat. Beliau mempunyai tempat khas untuk solat - pondok kecil yang agak tinggi tempatnya.

Pada suatu hari, ibunya datang menziarahinya. Sambil mendongakkan kepalanya, si ibu memanggil anaknya: "Juraij, saya ibumu, cakaplah denganku!"

Juraij khusyuk beribadah dan berkata dalam hatinya: "Ya Allah, saya utamakan solatku atau ibuku?"

Juraij memilih meneruskan ibadahnya. Ibunya letih berteriak dan akhirnya meninggalkan tempat Juraij.

Esoknya ibunya datang dan memanggilnya lagi tetapi Juraij tidak mengendahkan dan terus beribadah.

Ibunya pulang ke rumah dengan rasa hampa dan marah dalam hatinya. Semasa itulah wanita itu berdoa: "Ya Allah, Juraij itu adalah anakkku, aku mahu bercakap dengannya tapi dia menolak bercakap denganku. Ya Allah, jangan engkau matikan dia kecuali Engkau tunjukkan padanya akan pelacur."

Ada gembala kambing yang sentiasa menggembala kambingnya di sekita pondok Juraij. Gembala kambing itu terserempak dengan 'bunga desa' yang cantik. Mereka berasmara sehingga wanita itu hamil dan akhirnya melahirkan anak. Namun gembala itu menghilang.

Semasa ditanya orang kampung, anak siapakah itu, wanita ini sekadar menuding ke arah pondok Juraij. Orang-orang kampung beramai-ramai mendatangi Juraij dan memanggilnya dengan marah. Juraij keluar kehairanan. Mereka menuduhnya berzina sehingga wanita itu melahirkan bayinya. Juraij bertanya: "Di mana bayi itu"

Maka mereka membawa bayi itu menghadapnya. Juraij berkata: "Tinggalkan aku untuk solat dan berdoa."

Sesudah itu, Juraij menepuk perut bayi dan bertanya: "Wahai bayi, siapakah bapamu?"

Dengan izin Allah, bayi itu menjawab: "Bapaku ialah gembala kambing di kampung ini."

Penduduk kampung terkejut dan malu kerana merobohkan pondok Juraij dek tertipu oleh wanita itu. Mereka berjanji akan membangunkan pondoknya dengan emas dan perak, namun Juraij menlak dan meminta pondok seperti asalnya.

Rasulullah menyatakan kisah Juraij menunjukkan betapa kuat doa seorang ibu, apatah lagi yang disakiti anaknya.

Banyak iktibar daripada kisah Juraij.

  • Kewajiban anak memenuhi panggilan ibu lebih utama dibandingkan menyempurkan ibadah sunat. Dengan hadith ini, dihukumkan menurut fiqah bahawa memenuhi panggilan ibu adalah wajib berbanding meneruskan solat sunat.
  • Doa ibu sangat mustajab - sama ada maksud baik atau tidak. Oleh itu, ibu perlu berhati-hati dan usah ikut perasaan. 
  • Ibu harus sentiasa memantau dan mengambil tahu akan keadaan kehidupan anak-anaknya agar tidak terjadi salah faham antara kededuanya.
  • Ibu haru ssentiasa mendoakan kebaikan untuk anak-anaknya, terlebih lagi pada waktu solat dinihari.
  • Ibu harus sentiasa menjaga mulutnya dan usah mudah tersinggung - maafkanlah dan nasihatkan serta sentiasa berdoa untuk anaknya.
  • Sebagai pengasuh, ibu perlu dilengkapi ilmu demi memupuk anak yang soleh. 
 Seorang alim besar, Syeikh Sya`roni Ahmadi Al-Qudsy berkata: "Doa ibu adalah seperti jelmaan malaikat, bahkan ibu adalah seperti jelmaan malaikat yang nampak. Ertinya, hati-hatilah dengan doa ibumu kerana doanya begitu cepat dikabulkan oleh Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala."

Para ibu sekalian, berdoalah sentiasa akan kebaikan anak-anak anda di dunia dan akhirat.

Isnin, 21 Mac 2011

Hu Hu Hu

Bila outing .... Keluar makan... Jalan-jalan. mesti kurang sorang. Sedih jugak. Ye lah orang dah besar.. Yang 4 orang ni jelah yang nak ikut ibu dan ayah...

Afiq... Mesti tak nak ikut... Hu hu hu